11 Home Upgrades You Should NEVER Do By Yourself

DIY Custom Jobs

“Homeowners typically fail at DIY projects that require intimate knowledge of a process that a professional would take great care in completing; typically something that is beneath the surface, where they’re more focused on the final cosmetic appearance,” says Brian C. McHugh.

“A homeowner wanted to save money by forming their own custom shower pan and curb. They did not install the membrane correctly, resulting in water leaking below the shower and damaging the sub-floor and drywall below,” says McHugh. Unfortunately, much of the project had to be re-done, costing the homeowner a large chunk of change.

The desire to customize your own home improvement project defeats the purpose of saving money unless your skill set is keen. “If you don’t know what you’re doing and it has the potential of going south quickly, just hire a professional,” recommends McHugh.

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