Discover the Amazingly Bland Presidential Homes

Millard Fillmore

Millard FillmoreMillard Fillmore served as the 13th U.S. president and lived in this home just outside of Buffalo in East Aurora, New York. The house was built in 1826 by Fillmore and it’s where Fillmore and his wife, Abigail, lived until 1830.

Fillmore grew up in a log cabin, not quite like these amazing cabins, in Caygua County, New York. The house in East Aurora features a rose and herb garden along with artifacts from Fillmore’s life.

Franlin Pierce

Franlin PierceFranklin Pierce followed Fillmore as U.S. president and he followed in his footsteps with an equally meh house for a president. It is the house Pierce grew up in, which his father built in 1804 in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.

The two-story frame house actually includes a ballroom. The 13-acre site holds a barn, shed and a wellhouse. Pierce lived in the home, which is located in central New Hampshire, until 1834.

Warren G. Harding

Warren G. HardingHarding, the 23rd U.S. president, designed this Queen Anne style home with his wife Florence in 1890. Together they lived in the home for 30 years before he became president. The front porch served as a perch for stump speeches.

The four-bedroom home includes built-in closets, which were a novelty at the time, and now is filled with original furnishings Harding and his wife owned.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham LincolnFor as big of a historical figure Abraham Lincoln became, his home in Springfield, Illinois, seems pretty humble. The 16th president and his family lived in the home from 1844 to 1861 when they moved to the White House. Interestingly, it is the only home Lincoln ever owned.

William Howard Taft

William Howard TaftWilliam Howard Taft, the 27th president, lived in this Greek Revival home in Cincinnati, Ohio as a child. The home was built in 1835 and considered modest even then in the neighborhood of wealthy residences.

After the Tafts sold the house it became an apartment complex in the 1940s but the family eventually bought the house back with help in the 1950s. But it needed nearly $100,000 in restoration work before it became a National Historic Landmark.

Calvin Coolidge

Calvin CoolidgeCalvin Coolidge and his family lived in this Northampton, Massachusetts home from 1906 to 1930. Coolidge became the 30th president after Warren G. Harding died in 1923.The home seems to fit into the background of the other homes in the area.

It’s a simple 2 1/2-story Colonial Revival home. The Coolidges lived in the left unit and they rented. For some people, renting is just a better fit.

Dwight Eisenhower

Dwight EisenhowerIke, the 34th president of the U.S. occupied this home outside of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania after he and his wife, Mamie, left the White House. It sits on nearly 700 acres and Eisenhower used it as a retreat spot during his presidency.

The Eisenhowers had to rebuild the original house, which cost about $250,000 back then. That would be around $2.2 million today and makes the exterior a little more confusing.

Herbert Hoover

Herbert HooverHerbert Hoover, the 31st president, came from humble beginnings in this West Branch, Iowa cottage. Hoover lived here for 11 years before the family moved to a two-story house. Hoover and his wife, Lou Henry, are buried in West Branch near the birthplace cottage.

Hoover’s father, Jesse, worked as a blacksmith before dying unexpectedly. As an homage to his father, the park runs a blacksmith shop that produces products for consumers and replacement period parts for the National Park Service.

Little White House

Little White HouseFranklin D. Roosevelt used the Little White House as a personal retreat in Warm Springs, Georgia. The 32nd president originally arrived in Georgia for polio treatment and liked the area so much he built the house.

The nearby natural spring provided relief for Roosevelt from polio complications. Roosevelt used the house during his presidency and died there in 1945.The Little White House is a pine one-story home that has six rooms and is a Colonial Revival style residence.

The home remains just the way it did the day Roosevelt died while the adjacent Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute continues to serve as a rehabilitation center for people with head, back and neck injuries.

Zachary Taylor

Zachary TaylorZachary Taylor’s home, Springfield, just outside of Louisville, Kentucky was where he grew up before becoming the 12th president of the United States.

The Taylor family started building the 2 1/2 story Georgia Colonial brick home in 1790 on 400 acres, which later expanded to 700 acres. The original house had just four rooms before an addition after the turn of the 19th century expanded the house to hold four more rooms and a stair hall.

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