Things You Should Do Before Selling Your Home

Repaint your home in strategic colors

Did you know certain colors of paint on the walls can actually increase the price your home sells for?

It’s true. Zillow found homes with blue kitchens and light blue baths respectively sell for $1,809 or $5,440 more than comparable properties with other paint colors. Blue is also a good color for bedrooms and dining rooms, with cadet blue on the bedroom walls carrying a $1,856 premium and slate blue in the dining room adding $1,926 to the home’s value. That $1,926 premium is the same amount that could be added to your house’s price tag if your living room is a shade of brown.

Find out what paint colors are popular at the time you’re selling and grab a brush. Or, if you don’t want to try to be on-trend, at the minimum, repaint any unusual colors to neutrals so buyers won’t be turned off by your chartreuse bedroom.

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