Amazing Ways to Cut Clutter in 2019

Are you feeling a little overwhelmed by the post-holiday excess around you? Have the past several years of your family’s success with Santa left your closets, garage, attic and office filled to the rafters? If so, it might be time for some creative clutter-busting strategies.

Start by letting three questions cut through your material clutter. With each item you consider, ask yourself:

  • Do I love it?
  • Do I use it?
  • Will I ever need it?

If your response to each of these questions is “no,” pass the item along and let it find a new home.

The truth is that if you try to keep your home decluttered, it will look more beautiful than before. For example, if you want to opt for a minimalist style, you should know that simplicity is the key and it is all about getting rid of clutter.

Here are seven ways to kick off the new year right by kicking the clutter habit now!

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